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Give your shoes some love with a few tips

Fall is upon us and we are bringing back our boots! We asked our very own cobbler for some tips on how to keep your shoes in good condition.

KAVAT Cobbler Peter Grandin

Those who care for their leather shoes can use them for many years.
KAVAT Cobbler Peter Grandin

Our very own cobbler Peter Granding works with restoring the shoes sent to us with Repair Service and As-New. Now when fall is upon us and its time to put on your leather boots its perfect to give them some extra love to prepare for the winter. And we'll share with you Peters best tips for paparing your shoes.

One of the easiest things you can do is to have at least two pair of shoes to change between. Let one pair rest and fully dry, preferably using a shoe tree to retain the shape of the shoe.


Our Eco Performance leather benefits from a thin coat of Eco Wax about every six months.

 •  Clean your shoe through and let it dry.

 •  Apply a thin layer of the wax and let rest over night so that the leather have time to absorb the wax. Otherwise dirt will get stuck in the wax, which will increase the tear on the leather.

 •  Polish the shoe the next morning.


When the leather is worn, use a shoe cream to cover up any scratch mark. Use a slightly a cream in a slightly lighter color than your shoe to prevent your shoe from darkening with every use of the cream. Unless that’s what you want. You can brush 3-4 times with a good shoe cream before having to apply a new layer.


Here are some of our products that will help you care for your shoes.

