Delivery within 2 - 4 days | Free delivery over 100€


How is my order sent?

Our deliveries are handled by DHL Express. It’s easy, fast, and secure. All our transports are climate-neutral thanks to our collaboration with DHL Go Green. 

DHL offers different delivery options. Before your delivery, you'll be sent a text message where you can choose one delivery option. 


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Do you offer free shipping?

We offer free shipping on all orders over € 100. For orders below 100€ we will charge a 15€ shipping fee.


Please note that the shipping fee is not refundable on a return.

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What happens if I don't pickup my parcel?

If the parcel is automatically returned to us because you did not pick it up, we will process it like a normal return.

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Can I change my order?

You cannot change your order. We may be able to cancel your order if it has not been processed. If you’d like another size or color, we recommend you to place a new order. 

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How do I track my package?

When your order is ready for shipmentyou will receive a notification about tracking details. During shipping, you will receive regular updates of the delivery status by text/email including a link to the DHL On-Demand Delivery portal where you simply select your preferred delivery option.

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How much will I need to pay in customs?

All taxes and customs are included in our prices. We ship with DHL and DDP (Delivery Duty Paid) to Switzerland. You are not subject to pay any VAT or customs.

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